Verify Humanity's Story
The founder's work as a conservation photographer and writer has been rewarding but also unearthed growing contradictions within the industry.
Conservationists are fighting everything from rhinos being poached for Traditional Medicine to burgers from unsustainable cattle ranching in the Amazon and wildlife fur farms supplying throwaway Western trinkets.
While conservationists grapple with the knowledge that humanity is to blame for the Sixth Mass Extinction, they are employing solutions such as large-scale "conservation culling," blind to the irony that this is driven by the same lack of compassion that is fuelling the problem. Speciesism.
One case, in particular, has also contributed to the founding of Verify Humanity. Working undercover in Vietnam on the wildlife trade, the founder discovered two illegal bear bile farms.
This case highlighted two things.
Operating as an unbiased observer when animals needed rescuing was never going to be an option for the founder, Kate Fox
Secondly, the media's passion for all things new - hence the name news - does not help long drawn out cases such as Boo the Bear.
While 3 bears have been rescued thanks to Fox's dogged persistence, the fight continues for the remaining bears some years later.
While COVID -19 has undoubtedly created global chaos it has also been a positive force for change.
With the early spread of the virus traced to a wildlife wet market in Wuhan, it has shone a light on how we interact and exploit animals, bringing the issue into the public realm.
Likewise, the enforced lockdown has allowed time for reflection and change. It was during this period that the experiences and passion of Kate Fox led to the creation of Verify Humanity. An animal advocacy organisation with a difference.
The training, knowledge and values that underpin our founder undeniably lie at the heart and direction of Verify Humanity.
They have allowed the organisation to gain a valuable insight into the bigger picture of factory farming and conservation whilst understanding how animal advocacy offers vital solutions.
For that reason, Verify Humanity now acts to bring about the end of speciesism in all its diverse forms. A damaging way of thinking that has proliferated all our interactions with other living creatures and the environment.
While Verify Humanity never closes the door to any issue of animal suffering, the organisation has an unusual emphasis on wildlife farming. An area that sees the horror of factory farming combined with the some of the more hidden and complex issues that impact conservation.