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"I want to personally thank you for your very kind donation.  Our mission to change the hearts and minds of people is no small feat but we are passionate about our cause and the animals we champion.  Being a small charitable organisation, your donation will have a big impact helping us achieve our goals.

Again, a heart-felt thank you for your kindness and support."

Kate Fox - Founder of Verify Humanity


Avoid Donation Leakage

We try and ensure not a single penny is wasted.  If you want to avoid donation costs going to large third party organisations please donate directly to our Verify Humanity bank account.  Please reference the campaign you wish to support.  

Account Number: 63120317

Sort Code: 20-11-43

Verify Humanity's Mission

Thanks to your kind support we can fight the world's biggest cause of animal cruelty.  Speciesism.  Chances are you have never even heard of it which makes your donation all the more important. 


The misguided belief that some animals are more important than others underpins all animal cruelty.  Allowing everything from endangered bears being poached for illegal bile farms to day old male chicks being ground up alive to support the egg industry.


Your gift will help us fight speciesism.  Whether striving for a more ethical form of conservation where no animal is abandoned or killed to conserve another or encouraging farmers to use available technology to determine the gender of a fertilised egg.  No fight is too big or underdog too small for us to help!

The Person Behind The Mission


Kate Fox and a rescued duckling who imprinted on her.

"Kate Fox is unlike anyone I’ve ever interacted with. Her passion for conservation is infectious and urgent, but there’s more to her determination than a simple sense of stewardship — she knows what it is to overcome the odds, personally."  The Vegan Review

Watch Kate Fox Fighting to Free Boo the Bear

Lawless Lands was screened at The International Vegan Film Festival 2020 - an undercover investigation into Vietnam's illegal bear bile trade.

Where Does My Donation Go?

This is completely up to you!

Campaigns: Choose from any of our present campaigns; Free Boo the Bear and Friends, Egg Sex Tech or Project Co-Existence.  Whether targeted volunteer training, producing films or educational material, your donation will make a big difference.    

Vital Costs: Alternatively, you can donate to our vitally important ongoing costs that underpin all our campaigns and make our organisation possible.  While our founders and volunteers dedicate their time free of charge, we still have to fund everything from domain names, insurance, technology, get the picture.

Gift Your Donation 

What better way to bring meaning to a celebration!  If you would like to send your donation as a gift, email us here with the recipient's name, email address and message.  We will send an appropriate e-card to notify them of your generosity and the campaign that you have supported in their honour.

Image by Kira auf der Heide
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